I started a basic k2,p2 hat on Thanksgiving day while at my Aunt's house. Knit it up really fast and finished it this afternoon. Quick knit! I'm proud of it, it looks nice, its a gift to my father for this birthday which is this Wednesday. I finally took some pictures because I'm home and have access to a camera.

I've been pretty lazy this break, not seeing much of my friends. I do believe I'm coming down with a cold though and don't feel like doing anything. It feels great to just sit around and watch movies. :) My mom and I made a
Tofurky last night for dinner and it was delicious! We were both very surprised at how great it tasted, full of flavor mm mm! It would have been great with more stuffing, mashed potatoes, the whole lot but it was still awesome by itself.
Here's my cat, the chubby thing that she is.. I'm trying to entise her with some Alpaca yarn.. she doesn't seem to be interested.. must be the camera.. she's probably shy.

And here is the sweater I've been working on for the last year.. The 'big sac sweater' from Stitch and Bitch. It umm.. has a few problems.. like the uhhh size. Its kinda short and umm too small.. may need some re-doing and such..